Fundamentals of Painting & Coating applications (PC)


Fundamentals of Painting & Coating Applications (PC)

Welcome to Fundamentals of Painting & Coating Applications (PC) eLearning Module

Corrosion has become global concern because, it has been estimated that both direct and indirect losses due to corrosion is estimated to be 2.5 trillion US Dollars. Paints and coatings are the low cost method of corrosion prevention.

Paint is a coating material in liquid form which when applied to a surface, dries or hardens to form an adherent film that protects, decorates or add a special feature to the surface. Paint protects surfaces from weathering effects of the atmosphere and actions of other chemicals, provides pleasing, colourful and decorative appearances. Paint also provide surface properties such as reflectivity, antifriction, hardness, electric conductivity etc.

This module helps one to understand fundamentals of painting and coating technology like Pre-treatment, liquid paint application, electro deposition coatings, powder coatings, protective coatings, paint film defects etc.

Course Duration : 6 Hours Price : Rs. 3000 + 18% GST

This module is developed by Mr. Meghan Manjrekar, Industry expert in surface coating & application technology. He is a qualified paint technologist & has over 30 years of experience in this domain. He is a certified international coating inspector-SSPC (USA) PCI Level 2. As a consultant he has an impressive list of customers with OEMs & MNCs on his list. He has been in the training domain in the subject for over 10 years & has delivered special courses as well as, in house courses for industry in India & abroad.

The index of topics Painting and Coating is follows:

  • Introduction to Painting
  • Pretreatment
  • Powder coating
  • Liquid paint application methods
  • Electro deposition coating
  • Protective coatings
  • Paint film defects